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发布日期:2025-01-04 11:21    点击次数:79
全体同学: 由中国学术英语教学研究会主办的第七届全国大学生学术英语词汇竞赛开始报名,为激发本校学生英语学习的积极性,促进学生学术英语词汇应用能力的提高,我校鼓励大家积极报名参赛。现将有关事项通知如下: 参赛对象: 全国具有高等学历教育招生资格的普通高等学校在校本科生、专科生、研究生。凡有兴趣了解或计划开始学习学术英语的学生,或已经参加学术英语和专门用途英语课程的学生均可报名参赛。 参赛组别、时间和形式: 本次竞赛分为研究生组、本科生组、高职高专组三个组别,将于2022年4-5月全程在线上进行,分初赛、复赛、决赛三个赛段: 初赛时间:4月23日-4月24日 复赛时间:5月7日-5月8日 复活赛时间:5月14日 决赛时间:5月21日 本次竞赛为公益性活动,不收取任何费用。 测试内容、范围和题型: 比赛主要考察参赛者学术英语词汇的广度(即词汇量大小)和深度(如词义变化、词汇搭配和词汇应用能力等),最新版本样题见文末。测试范围暂用《上海通用学术英语参考词表(修订版)》,电子文档可在官网?id=238 上下载。初赛及复赛题型全为单项选择,考生需在开考前 15 分钟登录考试系统,不得使用词典或其他查询工具,需符合软件操作规范,比赛开始十分钟后无法进入比赛界面,考生交卷后,系统自动给出总分。 奖项设置 1. 每组根据排名设置一、二、三等奖和优胜奖。获奖者将获得由中国学术英语教学研究会颁发的学术英语词汇竞赛英文证书(电子证书网上自行下载,如需纸质证书,仅需支付邮费)。 2. 参与附加赛阶段的选手有机会获得“学术英语词汇之星”特等奖证书以及相应的丰厚奖品。 3. 此次大赛获奖者凭获奖证书可获得相应综测加分(省部级比赛)。 报名方式 有意报名的同学请扫描下方二维码,进入校内专属通道自行填写进行报名。填写完成后主办方将对报名信息审核,学生可以在1个工作日后使用报名手机号登录乐词APP,在首页的赛事专区内查看和确认准考证信息,如果有误可以自行修改。报名截止日期:2022年4月15日。 应工学院大学外语教研室 2022年3月10日 最新样题: 样题: National Academic English Vocabulary Competition (NAEV) (60 minutes) Section I Directions: In this section, you are going to read 20 boldfaced words. Each word is followed by four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that is a synonym for the boldfaced word. 1. vicinity A) vintage B) adjoining C) proximity D) vitality 2. eradication A) remorse B) evaporation C) destruction D) reserve 3.deficiency A) efficacy B) lack C)depiction D) depletion 4. defect A) limitation B) deflation C) decline D) devoid 5. incision A) invention B) inception C) cut D) dichotomy Section II Directions: In this section, you are going to read 30 boldfaced words with four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that is NOT a synonym for the word. 1.conceive A) censure  B) regard  C) consider  D) perceive 2. usher A) lead  B) undermine C) escort  D) accompany 3 fascinating A) charming  B) ferocious  C) appealing  D) intriguing 4.invasive A) annoying B) intrusive  C) imposing  D) intricate 5. resemble A) assemble  B) parallel  C) mirror  D) echo Section III Directions: In this section, you are going to read 20 statements, and each one has four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that can best match the underlined word in the statement or the word which fit the context of the statement. 1.The Lancet said in its statement that the allegations leveled against the WHO were “serious and damaging to efforts to strengthen international cooperation to control this coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. A) initiated  B) pointed  C) attacked  D)directed 2.We attempted to distinguish between fraud and carelessness, and we requested that poor methodology and borderline practices not be considered fraud. A) accessible  B) ambiguous  C) amenable  D) careless 3.Food companies scan their products on the line with custom colorimeters to ensure mathematically consistent hues. A) clues  B). colors  C). function  D) quality 4.My own related research on fame suggests that both narcissism and the need to belong motivate interests. A) egotism  B) profile  C) respect D) prestige 5. Look at the jewelry your sweetheart wears on a daily basis: it's all silver with intricate designs. A) basic  B) classical  C) traditional  D) complicated Section IV Directions: In this section, you are going to read 20 words or phrases in bold with four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that CANNOT collocate with the word or phrase 1. highlight ________ A) tension  B) problem  C) difference  D) infection 2._____persist A) loyalty  B) symptom  C) invention  D)disease 3.______ opinions A) embrace  B) voice  C) echo  D) express 4.______a concept A) administer  B) examine  C) develop  D) manipulate 5. _______ zeal A) boundless  B) yummy  C) religious  D)revolutionary Section V Directions: In this section, you are going to read 10 statements, and each one has four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that can be used when writing a new sentence----changing the wording and structure, but not changing its meaning. 1.Scientists imagine the underground world to become more and more elaborate under population pressure. A)increasingly  B) delicately  C) expect  D) strengths 2. Compared with American parents, Asian parents are able to instill a love of learning in their children. A)construct  B) knowledge  C) empower  D) counterpart 3. However, it seems that American governments can hardly control the media used to generate information or fake news A) administrate  B)exercise  C) manipulate  D) falsify 4. Many studies conducted in the psychological field reveal that cognitive development depends on the children’s culture. A)cross-culture  B) enactment  C)role  D) assessment 5. A lack of money is provoking an increase in the cost of living whereby only a percentage of the population will be able to cover all their needs. A) contribute  B) coverage  C) discharge  D) commit

上一篇:Preparation and characterization of porous titanium using space-holder technique--《Rare Metals》2009年04期